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Refund and Payment Policy

Refund Policy (all programs)

In order to request a refund, a written email should be sent to Katrina ([email protected]) with a detailed explanation for the request. After the request has been received the Club will review and decide whether to move forward with the refund and how much of the cost will be refunded.

Refunds (full or prorated) will be accepted in the following cases:
• Injury that prevents from playing for the remainder of the season. 
• Moving out of the area (more than 25 miles from Cheshire). 
• Club not being able to field a team due to lack of registrations.
• Refund requested within 5 calendar days of registration. 

NO refund will be given in the following cases (this list is not exhaustive):
• Unhappy with team assignment / coach assignment / other players’ commitment / other parents’ behaviors / child’s playing time / child’s position on the field / child’s team not winning enough games / …
• Player moving to a different club during the season.
• Practice / game cancellations (e.g. due to weather or to town’s field management decisions).
• Scheduling conflicts with the player’s other sports / activities.
• Change of mind more than 5 calendar days after registration.
• …

All refunds, partial or full, will be charged a $25 administrative fee.

As an exception to the rules above, a 75% refund will be given for in-house players who cancel their registration prior to the beginning of the in-house season, even if the cancellation is more than 5 calendar days after their registration. This exception applies only to the in-house program, not to the Travel or United programs. In line with the policy outlined above, no refund will be given once the in-house season has started.

In the event that the child was medically unable to participate in the sport he/she had registered for, a note from a doctor on letterhead indicating that the participant cannot participate is required.

The amount of money that is refunded is contingent on how much of the season has passed as well as the reason for the refund. The amount will be refunded to the credit card that was used to make the registration payment, minus any fees stated above. If the credit has expired and no longer valid at the time of the refund you will NOT receive a refund.

Cheshire Soccer Club will not give refunds or prorated fees for missed practices or games due to a participant registering for a program late.

Cheshire Soccer Club reserves the right to unilaterally cancel a player's registration if the player and/or parent blatantly and/or repeatedly behaves contrary to the Club's core values. No refund will be given.

Cheshire Soccer Club reserves the right to waive this Refund Policy at its sole discretion at any time. Such waiver shall generally be in response to extenuating or highly unusual circumstances, and in no event shall the Board be obligated to waive this Refund Policy.

Payment Policy (all programs)

The full payment amount is due at the time of registration (eg for in-house and travel programs) and, for the United program, at the time of accepting the offer after try-out.

As an exception to this rule Cheshire Soccer Club can, at its own discretion, offer to break down the payment into several installments to United players’ families in good standing with the club. A family in good standing has no open account and has made their payments on time for all their children involved in any of the Club’s programs. Families not in good standing (e.g. families who have an open account, even for a different child, or families who have a track record of making their payments late) will not receive a payment installment plan and will have to make the full payment upon registering for a United program.

By accepting a payment plan, the family commits to making all payments scheduled in the payment plan for the full 10-month program. In the event that a player on a payment plan leaves the club during the season (outside of the acceptable refund reasons listed above), all previous and upcoming payments will still be due.

Yours in soccer,
Cheshire Soccer Club

Contact Us

Cheshire Soccer Club
1325 Cheshire St 
Cheshire, Connecticut 06410

Email: [email protected]

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